About Us
Hello and Welcome to Angie Gooderham Store.
Many of you will know
jewellery well.

I started the company in the 1980s, at first representing collections from all the most talented French and Italian designers. We progressed with a small team of designers in London to produce our own collections, which were chosen by the major stores, including Liberty, Harrods, Fenwicks, Harvey Nichols, Fortnum and Mason, as well as exporting to America, Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland.
Angie Gooderham designs were constantly featured in Vogue magazine, Harpers Bazaar, Elle, Instyle, Japanese Vogue, The Independent, Telegraph, The Guardian, to name a few.
Angie Gooderham designs were constantly featured in Vogue magazine, Harpers Bazaar, Elle, Instyle, Japanese Vogue, The Independent, Telegraph, The Guardian, to name a few.

Angie Gooderham jewellery is loved and worn by many celebrities, Liz Hurley, Cheryl Cole, Kate Moss, Judi Dench, Mary Portas. Cher and her entourage visited us in our Wapping Office to choose our designs for her mail order catalogue Sanctuary.

4 years ago, aged, well let's say in my sixties, I could see my life whizzing by in a cloud of beads, (beautiful beads), and I decided to take semi retirement, closed the office in Islington, and took time to travel, visiting colourful souks in Marrakesh, walking in the Atlas mountains, catching up with old friends in America, wild swimming in France, visiting wonderful art exhibitions and fulfilling another of my dreams, cycling...(and a little further than the usual daily ride along the the Grand Union Canal from my home in West London to the office in Islington!)

Here I am at the Velo Vintage ride in Exmouth, (wearing some of the vintage pieces from Italian and Czec designers from the 1980s.
I am working on putting the best of the vintage jewellery on www.angiegooderhamstore.com so please watch the vintage section.
And below taking a break from a more sporting spree on a weeks wonderful ride through Normandy. (Yummy cider, Pont l'eveque and Calvados) and the freedom of just me, my bike and two panniers!
Since I closed the office, I have had many requests from customers asking where they can purchase
jewellery, so I have now created a new website, with hopefully all your old favourites. Do email me angie@angiegooderhamstore.com if I have missed out any of your favourite designs, and I will try to include them.